Bolognese: The Shortcut

This delicious bolognese from Ella Risbridger is the ultimate comfort food. It's the perfect weekend supper when it's wet and miserable outside, or if you're feeling under the weather, of it you just want a comforting lift (no excuse required). We have an annual November holiday to the South Coast and always look forward to this as part of the tradition. After a long and blustery walk, we kick off our wellies, wipe down the muddy dogs, light the fire and fill the house with enticing aromas in anticipation of the joy to come.




  • SERVES 4
  • 2 tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 2 Onions, peeled and finely chopped
  • 4 Garlic Cloves, chopped finely
  • 1 Packet of Cubed Pancetta
  • 750 g Beef Mince
  • 2 Glasses of Red Wine (generous)
  • 2 Cans of Tomatoes
  • 1 Shake of Balsamic Vinegar
  • Parmesan (including rind)
  • 1 Handful of Basil
  • Salt & Pepper


one. In a large dutch oven, fry the chopped onions, garlic and pancetta in the olive oil over a medium heat, stirring occasionally for c. 10mins. Be careful not to burn it!

two. Add the beef mince and fry until browned all over (turn up heat if necessary).

three. Add the glasses of wine, tins of tomato, balsamic vinegar and allow to bubble vigorously for a minute or two. Lower the heat, season with a generous grind of salt and pepper, add the rind of Parmesan, give everything a good stir, put the lid on the pan and simmer for an hour.

four. After an hour, take the lid off and reduce for a further 30 mins.

five. Serve over pasta, with grated parmesan and basil.

Serving Suggestion. Your choice of pasta- Linguine, Spaghetti or Papperdelle

Possible Amendment.