Cod with cockles and parsley in a white wine sauce

This is an absolutely stunning recipe adapted from my Sheekey cookbook- this is definitely the sort of thing you'd expect to enjoy in a top restaurant (Sheekey's for example!). And yet, it takes 15 minutes from start to finish! Cod loin is easy to get hold of and pretty inexpensive. I wasn't sure if the cockles would prove allusive but I stumbled across some in my local Saturday farmers market. The result is sensational.




  • SERVES 2
  • 2 Cod Loin Fillets
  • 2 tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 400 g Cockles (Cooked and shelled)
  • 170 ml White wine
  • 50 g Unsalted Butter
  • 80 ml Double Cream or Lactose free cream
  • A few sprigs of fresh parlsey to garnish
  • Juice of half Lemon
  • Salt and Pepper to Taste


one. Heat 1 tbsp of the olive oil in a non-stick frying pan. Season the cod fillets and gently fry skin-side down for 5 minutes. Turn over, and cook for a further 4 minutes.

two. Add the cockles, stir and cook for a further minute. Then add the white wine, lemon juice and the cream, season and stir. Bring to a the boil and cook for a further 5 or so minutes (depending ion the size of your loin pieces), until the cod is cooked through.

three. Place the cod on warm plates and arrange the cockles around the fish. Pour over the sauce and garnish with parsley.

Serving Suggestion. Peas or asparagus would be a nice vegetable accompaniment.

Possible Amendment.